Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Curtain closes on this season's one acts play


     On Friday, December 5th, 2014, the One Acts team traveled to Ogallala to perform at the districts competition. Their play, "The Oldest Story Ever Told," portrays the classic Cinderella story in three different cultures; Africa, China, and India. Four performances had been displayed before competition; two for the public, one for grades K-5, and one for grades 6-12.

     "I thought that the play was well-performed when I saw it, and it was really interesting and funny to watch," said sophomore Raven Shouldis, who attended the high school performance on November 20th.

     "The Oldest Story Ever Told" was performed in Ogallala's High School Performing Arts Center around 1:45 p.m., and received good reviews and (mostly) constructive criticism from the three judges. Despite the team's performance and the judges' critiques, "The Oldest Story Ever Told" received sixth place out of the eight teams that performed that day. The cast remained in high spirits, however, and vowed to do better next season.

     "I think we did better than what we scored, and we deserved a higher rank; but, that just means that we have to do better next year!" said sophomore Cassie Sloan with a determined look on her face.

     "I felt that our performance at districts was one of our best, but our placing did not reflect that. While I didn't think that we won, I did think that we were in the top four, at least. Our district is very, very tough, and, with the exception of a couple of teams, they are all very good," said One Acts coach Jill Paopao.

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