Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Seniors' Fears

          One upcoming event that scares many seniors is going to college. Seniors tremble at the thought of leaving their home and parents that they have lived with their whole lives. 
          Sydney Blome a senior from Chadron High school is graduating at semester and said, "I am most scared about college that I will be the farthest away from my parents than I have ever been. Also I have never had to take care of myself without anybody's help. College is going to be extremely difficult to adjust to."
          A lot of seniors are puzzled on how other students in their class are feeling about college. Keenan Johnson said that "I am not too nervous about college because I am really good at just going with the flow and riding life's wave. Also I feel confident in my skills to meet new people." Keenan also said, "I hope I do well in college and get straight A's and get along with others." 
        However, Taylor Wild said, "I am really scared about college because I am scared about hard classes and having enough money for books, etc."
          Every senior does their own thing to prepare for this milestone in their life. Keenan said, "I am going to be filling out applications while taking AP and college classes. I also will be saving as much money as possible, but, hopefully, I'll be getting some scholarships to help me out." 
         Even after all of these obstacles and hardships seniors have to go through to get into college, many adults that have been through college said "college was one of the best times of my life, being free and on my own doing whatever I want with all of my life long friends." That is why Keenan said, "I think I will truly enjoy college because I am a fun person, and I feel that I will fall into a group of friends with the same interests as me." Lane Jersild said, "I am really going to enjoy college because my father said that he had an amazing time in college, so I feel like I will share common feelings as his."
          As you know now college is a extremely scary thing for many seniors. There are many new things that you will have to endure on your own. However, this is a good thing because you will learn a lot about yourself and figure out who you are. College should be an amazing experience for every individual.

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