Team one, consisting of three lawyers: Shoilee Rahman, Aaron Gaswick, and Walt Mays, and six witnesses portrayed by five people: Sarah Thompkins, Shay Chamberlain, Case Spencer, Josh Hill, and Mackenzy Petty, competed against Gering team three for their first round case. With a victory over Gering, Chadron team one moved on to the second round to face Gering team two.
After winning their second round case, Chadron was sent to the championship round where they faced Gering team one in hopes to earn their ticket to state. Despite a well acted out court case, the judge ruled in favor of Gering, sending them to state mock trial.
Team two, consisting of three lawyers: Andrew Smith, Greg McCallum, and Mikki Hastings, and six witnesses portrayed by three people: Pamela Fisher, Caleb Hill, and Mark Taylor, battled Scottsbluff team two for their first round case. Despite a very close case, Scottsbluff advanced, sending Chadron team two home and ending their season.
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