Chadron High School kicks off the 2014-2015 year of music, drama, and theater with royalty, fairly tales, and culture. This year's One Acts, directed by Mrs. Paopao, and assistant directed by Miss. Dobry, is the "The Oldest Story Ever Told" by David F. Eliet.
The play about Cinderella stories from China, India, and Africa will debut Nov. 14, 2014 with a dinner theater at 5:30 and the play to follow. Tickets are $12 and will be available to buy from One Act members at the end of October. The second showing will be Nov. 15, 2014 at 2pm. Tickets will be $6. A school-wide performance will be November 25th. One Acts will compete at districts Dec. 5, 2014 in Ogallala.
This year's cast brings new members to One Acts. Mrs. Paopao explains that many returning actors graduated, so many younger students are stepping up with a great amount of talent. "I am really looking forward to working with the younger students," says Mrs. Paopao. Returning veterans are Shay Chamberlain, Aaron Gaswick, Ashley Trent, Aly Crow, and Harlie Kennell.
There is "always a role available," says Mrs. Paopao. One Acts is low stress and is open at the beginning of each year to anyone who has a love for acting, and wants to be involved in something that is flexible in school.
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